Saucetec 637 modified starch of SMS company is extracted from tapioca plant, which is specially designed for liquid food products such as soups, sauces and filling products. From the performance of this type of starch in all kinds of sauces and fillers, we can mention its emulsifying and thickening properties.
Among the effects of this type of starch in products, the following can be mentioned:

• Increase in viscosity
• Product gloss
• Excellent resistance to heat, acid and cutting
• Improving product stability and shelf life
Also, this type of starch is especially useful in marinated meats, and it will improve the quality of marinated meats with the property of texture formation.
Among the advantages of using Saucetec 637 starch from SMS company in marinated meats, the following can be mentioned:
• Increased cooking efficiency
• Improving the water holding capacity of the product
• Juicing of meat products
