This product is one of the achievements of Behin Kalaye Avid Trading Company, which has unique features that distinguish it from other gums and carrageenans, including its high solubility in cold water and lack of The formation of the gel is indicated before baking.
Kappa carrageenan(Fibrochem brand), has no taste and smell and is in the form of a white powder. Due to its high water absorption, this product is used as a strong stabilizer in various meat products.
Due to its high solubility and no formation of gel until the cooking stage, this product can be used in farsh (dough) and in processed meats in the Tumbler and Injector stages.
Among the advantages of using this product in meat products, the features following can be mentioned:
Maintaining moisture and raising WHC
Prevent water accumulation under the sausage cover
Increase cooking efficiency
Improving mouthfeel
Increasing the crispiness of meat products